Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay Okay- 5 things (Kerry)

My friend Kat over at Kat's Meow ( recently challenged Isaac and me to write 5 things most people don't know about us on our blog. It's a kind of chain mail thing, where you do it and ask others to follow along after. I won't be asking others to do it, although of you are reading this and feel like taking the plunge go right ahead and let me know so I can check it out. I will let Isaac decide if he wants to post 5 things about himself, since this is a shared blog. And while I deeply admire Kat for being so open about her life that she posted 5 things that were very personal, I'm going to half ass it as usual. Oh shit, Isaac just reminded me it's 7 things. Fuck.
1. I started living on my own at 16 (that's personal and surprising, no?)
2. I grew up on a mini farm, where we raised/slaughtered our own chickens and had goats, ducks, and a horse.
3. To be honest, I never really wanted the horse or appreciated having one. I still feel ambivalent about horses. I don't dislike them. I did and do LOVE goats, however.
4.I have always wanted to see the pyramids of Egypt- I wanted to be an archeologist through most of my childhood. I know they won't live up to my expectations when I actually see them.
5.My first paying job was collecting night crawlers after the rains and selling them to a nearby bait shop (I was about 7).
6.I dated a 26 year old when I was 17 (tee hee).
7. ummm... I'm running out of facts about myself. I used to have my tongue pierced? yes that will do. no one else who went to college in the 90's had facial piercings....

1 comment:

Kat said...

i love this -- i've found out all sorts of things about you guys. you left home at 16 too?! you have to tell me that story :)